Token Pricing

The price of the OM token depends on the price of the long / short tokens and the net pending PnL of traders' open positions.

Fees from leverage trading and swaps will automatically increase the price of OM tokens.

There may be a spread for some long / short tokens which would result in a spread when buying / selling OM tokens as well.

For stablecoin tokens, the spread will be from the oracles of the stablecoin to 1 USD.

OM pools aim to maintain an equal worth of long and short tokens, so e.g. when the price of a long token increases there may be a positive price impact to incentivize selling of long tokens for short tokens to rebalance the pool. While this balancing is incentivized by the pool it is still possible for pools to not be balanced at times. If a pool keeps its balance, its pricing excluding PnL should mimic a pool that is 50% long token and 50% short token and that rebalances as price changes.

Last updated